A sentence or two about the awesomeness of CARE. It's truly, truly awesome.

To create a Culture of CARE within educational systems, the roll-out for CARE in the Classroom as a TIER 1 approach is as follows:
CARE Workshop (4 hours) CARE Coaching CARE Booster (2 hours) CARE Coaching
LEARNING SESSION 1: The process starts with the CARE Workshop led by an iCARE Collaborative Trainer (1 Trainer to 10 School Participants; recommended no larger than 30 participants in a Workshop). Anyone in the school who comes into contact with students may attend, including but not limited to: teachers, counselors, social workers, aides, security, cafeteria personnel, front office staff, administrators, and recess monitors.
ACTION PHASE 1: In the 4-8 weeks following the initial CARE Workshop, CARE Coaching is offered while educators interact with students. Each participant receives at least one coaching session.
ADMINISTRATOR FEEDBACK 1: At the conclusion of CARE Coaching, a brief meeting with the administrative team is allotted to discuss general themes and feedback, which informs tailored information for the Booster Session.
LEARNING SESSION 2: Next comes a CARE Booster Session lead by an iCARE Collaborative Trainer (1 Trainer to 10 School Participants; recommended no larger than 30 participants in a Booster Session). This advanced session is intended only for those who completed an initial Workshop. The Booster Session focuses on overcoming barriers to implementation and refining skills.
ACTION PHASE 2: In the 4-8 weeks following the initial CARE Booster Session, a second round of CARE Coaching is offered while educators interact with students. Each participant receives at least one coaching session.
ADMINISTRATOR FEEDBACK 2: At the conclusion of the CARE in the Classroom series, a brief meeting with the administrative team is allotted to discuss general themes and feedback,including recommendations for for sustainability.
CREATING A CULTURE OF CARE: If educational systems are interested in further possibilities for sustaining their Culture of CARE, consult with the iCARE Collaborative. We know relationships are the building blocks to social emotional learning and the precursors to a growth mindset for academic achievement.
Questions on creating a
Culture of CARE?

What Educators Say
"I am leaving hopeful and feeling empowered to try the 'P' strategies in my classroom. This is the most appreciated I've felt to be a teacher."
"We were given actual techniques to take with us and implement immediately. Thank you! Thank you! I want our whole staff trained. I’m using this as a parent, teacher, and counselor!"
"I really appreciate that there will be follow up on what we learned. Too often we are led through a training, and then we are expected to master it on our own without practice and observation of experts."
"Thank you for your understanding and empathic attitude towards our role in school buildings. You provided practical solutions to challenging situations in the classroom."
CARE in the Classroom Roll-Out