A sentence or two about the awesomeness of CARE. It's truly, truly awesome.


CARE provides a set of skills intended to improve child-adult relationships. Therefore, each training level keeps the primary target (children/teens and by extension, their families) as the core to its dissemination efforts. We are mindful of how many degrees of separation come between those who are using and teaching care, and the families we serve. While the aim of CARE is to directly equip adults with powerful relationship skills, the iCARE Collaborative supports agencies in developing within-agency expertise and sustainability with a CARE Coach and/or CARE Facilitator pathway for the General CARE model.
Complete a CARE Workshop
Serve as an educator or provider who has a supportive, training, or leadership role within your agency or institution.
The CARE Coach Course actively builds your skills to coach others in your local, on-site agency in the application of CARE through discussion, demonstrations, practice, and live coaching. This advanced course and follow-up consultation covers how to give participant feedback during CARE coaching, how to teach specific CARE skills one-on-one to your agency staff, and how to maintain fidelity to the CARE model. In preparation to become a CARE Coach, participants will learn the CARE observational system, develop adult learning strategies, and practice coaching methods. Following the on-site CARE Coach Course, web-based CARE Coach consultation calls are held in a group format to assist with agency implementation and sustainability issues.
Explain concepts related to providing participant feedback and coaching.
Recognize core features of coaching CARE skills and maintaining fidelity.
Identify methods to structure CARE coaching.
Identify strengths and challenges of implementing CARE skills from a coaching perspective.
Upon completion of the CARE Coach Course, you are able to provide one-on-one sustainability coaching to others at your site who have already completed a CARE Workshop.
You are 1.5 Degrees of Separation from the Family, meaning you may continue teaching caregivers skills in a one-on-one setting or use skills directly with child
The CARE Coach Course ranges from 3 to 6 hours, depending on the needs of the participants and the agency/institution.
Complete a CARE Workshop
Serve as a mental health provider, and
Have previous training in one of the following specified evidence-based parent management training programs:
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
Incredible Years (IY)
Positive Parenting Program (Triple-P)
Helping the Noncompliant Child (HNC)
Parent Management Training – Oregon Model (PMTO)
The half-day CARE Facilitator Course actively builds your skills to facilitate others in your local, on-site agency in the application of CARE through discussion, demonstrations, practice, and live coaching. Completing this course and follow-up consultation also allows you to facilitate general CARE groups at your site for caregivers. This advanced course covers how to give participant feedback during a CARE Workshop, how to teach specific CARE skills, how to structure and facilitate CARE workshops within your local agency, and how to maintain fidelity to the CARE model. In preparation to become a CARE Facilitator, participants will review the CARE curriculum, develop adult learning strategies, and practice facilitative methods.
Explain concepts related to providing participant feedback and coaching.
Recognize core features of teaching CARE skills and maintaining fidelity.
Identify methods to structure CARE training.
Identify strengths and challenges of implementing CARE skills from a training perspective.
Upon completion of the CARE Facilitators Course, you may train and coach caregivers in groups served by your agency to build relationships with family.
You may train and coach in-agency staff and professionals. As a CARE Facilitator, you are limited to facilitating trainings on-site at your local agency for your agency staff
You are 2 Degrees of Separation from Family, meaning you can train others in your agency to use the skills with caregivers, hold caregiver groups on CARE, continue teaching caregivers skills in a one-on-one setting, or use skills directly with the child or teen.
The CARE Facilitator Course ranges from 3 to 6 hours, depending on the needs of the participants and the agency/institution. Follow-up consultation calls are required to support training in practice and sustainability.
When you create a Culture of CARE at your agency, the following roll-out conducted by CARE Facilitators and supported by CARE Coaches is recommended:
CARE Workshop (3-6 hours) CARE Coaching CARE Booster (2 hours) CARE Coaching
Questions on creating a
Culture of CARE?
CARE Coach
CARE Facilitator
Recommended Within-Agency Roll-Out