A sentence or two about the awesomeness of CARE. It's truly, truly awesome.

Who can provide CARE ?
CARE was created for general usage by clinical and nonclinical adults who work with children who have experienced trauma. However, CARE training is applicable to a wide range of populations and is appropriate for use anywhere and by anyone who interacts with children. Upon completion of a CARE Workshop, participants may use the skills directly with children and teens as well as teach caregivers in a one-on-one format.
As a universal approach, the CARE skills are easily incorporated into existing programs. No extra time or space for implementation is required. CARE helps to make what is currently provided even stronger!
Where is CARE going?​
The iCARE Collaborative has been amazed at the enthusiasm surrounding CARE. Whether it is a small group of people or an entire school system, those trained in CARE share an excitement about the skills, because of their applicability, ease of use, and concrete approach for building relationships with the youth in their lives.
From its initial beginnings at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC), CARE has evolved with revisions and input from partners, including faculty and staff at Duke University Medical Center, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and DePaul University, among others.

General CARE is for adults serving children and teens in a variety of capacities. It provides the hands-on techniques needed to build positive child-adult relationships. This universal approach is the first step in foundational CARE skills.

CARE in the Classroom is a special application of CARE for educational systems serving students aged 3 years – 18 years. CARE in the Classroom requires a series of trainings and supports for this Tier 1 or School-wide intervention.

Our CARE Extension programs help you tailor the skills even further to other specialized populations, primary and integrated health care, and military families.
When building a sustainable model to create a “Culture of CARE” for an agency, we encourage training in-house expertise via the following mechanisms:
CARE Coaches: who may support others in application of the skills.​
CARE Facilitators: who may conduct a series of CARE trainings using a dissemination science model.